
Dec 16

 I lock my door when I leave my house because I don’t want anyone just to go in and take our belongings. I think I keep my phone and computer safe/secure by adding passwords to them.

Dec 15

 If I have to imagine humans going extinct I think it could  probably be because of climate change, artificial intelligence, or something like a meteor. I also think if we weren’t here than animals or artificial intelligence would take our place.

Dec 14

  To make myself feel better I workout in my house and I also love working on my car when I don’t have class.

Dec 1

 I think my relationship with others influence me more because when we interact with each other we learn and start to take different approaches to certain things.


 If I could change something about myself to be more effective it would be my motivation in things other than sports, because if I focused on other things I would be a lot happier and very relieved.

Skydive oct 28

 In a situation when I am in a plane about to skydive and scared, I would just build up my confidence, count to three, and take the leap.

“Hysterical strength” nov 3

 I think what makes hysterical strength possible is when  someone is in a bad situation that causes someone to get an adrenaline rush that can cause a surge in energy.